Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Who Wants To Be A "Ribuan"nair???

MARA finally gave all of us studying in Ireland scholarships based on the new rate!!!(plus the remaining money from September till November) two days ago.
Wuhuu...!! So, the majority of us are ribuannairs~~
Sayang MARA!!! (pujian dengan harapan dapat la naik lagi. hahaha... ha... rapan...)

Suddenly, all the pressures and tension felt due to the upcoming exams, were lifted when we saw the balance on our bank accounts.... Well at least for a few minutes only... Then poooom!!! back to reality~~ The extra money ain't going to be there if you don't pass your exams rite??

So, as excited and agitated as all of us were; thinking what we were all going to do with the money, (amanah ah wei korang duit tu. So, tak payah ah nak beli gitar, necklace robotman, winter jacket or pergi travel sangat~~Note to self actually...) we all had to suppress the big calling to go and splurge on something till.... this Friday!!! hahaha.... So much for suppressing it=P But credit should be given. Cause at least we waited till Friday baru nak gi shop. It's kind of a big achievement=P

But asal eh?? Tiba-tiba rasa macam nak balik Malaysia time winter break ni?? (melampau?? mungkin suam-suam melampau...)
Nasib je cuti 2 weeks. Kalo tak....
Ok, enough rambling for today. Got loads of studying to do~~
Anyway, selamat berbelanja dengan hemah n practical to all the new orang-orang kaya Ireland!!=)


  1. ur ribuan aint gona answer ur exams q's 4 u gal.. haha

  2. i know!!! wouldn't it be nice though if it could??
    owh.... or maybe boleh kot...
    kalo kte tulis some notes on the paper money. they allow us to bring our wallets inside rite??? pndai2 ah cover knon2 nak msukkn duit yg dah renyuk msuk dompet ker~~ hmmm.... interesting~~

  3. dats not interesting.. its more like psaiko. apsl pemikiran anda menjadi lbh psaiko nowadays? neway, im still waiting for u 2 gimme back my robotman rantai dat u took away from me! mn die? mn? nyesal soh ko tinggal umah aku :p.. jgn mencuri dayah.. itu perbuatan terkutuk. lgpun duit dh naik, bg je la blk... =(.. jgnla mencuri.. :P

  4. magse kene curik knon... sesungguhnya i don't know how 2 describe ur psycho-ness. what did i ever do wrong 2 u??? ejek konye bf mawi pun nak emo ke?? hahahhaha...
    i know why it's not interesting. coz korg kat dublin, eventhough naik, tp still rsa cam bse je kn???=P
    n MY robotman is safe with ME!!!
    (emphasize: MINE NOT YOURS) sila jgn psycho alisa~~~(btw, dah abes ke stock kat awear 2?? baik check cpat!! da stuff i buy usually cpat abes. haha...)

  5. oh memeyh..i soooo benci ur statement.haha.nvm.bersyukur atas apa yg ada.phew~reallly hard to say lain dpt durian runtuh.aku nk bli durian pun xde mara still pending lg.xtau la brape monthly aku dpt.haha.but all in all..still bsyukur dpt duk kat trinity hall yg PANAS ini.haha.

  6. ape?? ingt kat umah aku ni xpnas ker??
    we have one extra room babe!!
    don't play2~~ ddk kat trinity hall 2 dah ah kne share blik. mhal plak 2. hahaha....
    well~~ ape2 pun.
    anda mmg xbley digelar 'ribuan'nair..
    xper, ade kan org bley support???
